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youtubers who has channel based on anime scenes moments etc publish anime scenes but how they get rid from copyright claims and ineligible monetisation

  Copyright is a kind of law which protects an original expression of an idea or information. Even if it is not registered as an official wo...

 Copyright is a kind of law which protects an original expression of an idea or information. Even if it is not registered as an official work or protected by a copyright, that work is still protected by copyright law. You can use an image if it is a part of a building that is in the public domain (not protected or owned by anyone) or you are using it for educational purposes in a non-commercial use. Finally, you cannot use an image as a way to promote your own business. If you have any questions, you should contact the creator directly for the answers.

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"Copyright issues" are a very broad term and can mean a whole lot of things. There are many people who have sent copyright takedowns on content that they do not own and have been completely wrong in doing so. To avoid this, be sure to read the YouTube copyright and community guidelines which can be found in the help tab in your YouTube channel. Some of the things that cause a video to be flagged under copyright are: using music in your content that is not yours, using copyrighted images/videos in your content, or filming a movie scene or something that is copyrighted. You can read more about the YouTube copyright system here:

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